Teaching Team
Why I practice Baptiste Yoga
Baptiste Yoga has changed my life. It has offered me solace within my own body.
It has helped me to truly connect with myself, and so many beautiful people. This
practice is on and off the mat, and it offers tools to live a more authentic life; a life
that is rooted in integrity. I practice Baptiste Yoga so I can show up fully for
others. This practice has opened up a world of balance between effort and ease,
a sense of peace I never knew was possible.
Why I teach Baptiste Yoga
I teach because every student deserves to feel safe when they are vulnerable,
and challenged in the direction of growth. I teach because it is a privilege to
share this practice with others. I teach to ignite the light and fire in others.
My promise to you
My promise to you is to always hold a safe space for you to practice. I commit
to ensuring every student is seen. I commit to helping you find your edge so
you can look inwardly. I promise to offer a place for you to feel empowered,
and to shed light on your strengths. I commit to pushing you out of your
comfort zone so you can see yourself from a place of power too. I commit to
providing you the tools to tap into all parts of yourself, so you can grow on and
off your mat. I promise to show up for you, every time, fully. I am with you, we
are doing this together.
Training: 300hr RYT, Level 1 with the Baptiste Institute, Art of Assisting, 40 Days to Personal Revolution facilitator and participant
What would it feel like to come undone? To not fasten down, but let yourself
flood? To not close, but open yourself to experience it all. What would it feel
like to come undone to move past your edge, instead of run? To lose your fear
and meet the quiet depths within? What would it feel like to come undone? To
release the weight and find your freedom. The cleansing has come. To bring
you back home. To you. – Danielle Doby