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Why I practice Baptiste yoga

My favorite Baptiste Yoga class that I ever took was blindfolded. What I loved most about it was that it forced me to go inward, to stop looking around at what others were doing and to stop comparing myself to them. It literally forced me to drop any expectations I had, any judgments around it, and to face whatever resistance came up, head on. I had to focus extra hard on finding balance internally and on just flowing with what was. What resulted was an intense listening – to my own body, to my mind, and to each specific moment I was in. That blindfolded class was just an expedited way to arrive at what practicing Baptiste Yoga does for someone. The physical workout is certainly a plus, but the main reason I love practicing Baptiste Yoga is that it gives me an opportunity to find my edge, to get really real with myself (and vulnerable), and to listen deeply, so that I can walk alway with more ease, more peace, and more freedom.


Why I teach Baptiste yoga

I love that I don't have to pretend to be anybody but my own self when I walk into that room. I love that I have the opportunity to share with my students what so deeply impacted (and still does impact) my life. The best part about the Baptiste trainings is that they're not just about giving you tools for walking into the studio and being a good yoga instructor but, rather, they're about arming you with the tools to grow as an individual and a leader, in every aspect of your life. My hope is that that my teaching will reach and impact not only this community in San Francisco, but many more communities, at much larger scale, in the future.


My promise to you

As a teacher, I invite my students to find their edge, to step out of their comfort zones, to challenge themselves, to be playful and spontaneous and, most importantly, to take a step inward – to cultivate a sense of listening and, from it, find balance.


Training: Tier 1 Baptiste Certified Leader, Expand Your Power 200-hour Teacher Training, Levels 1, 2 and 3 with the Baptiste Institute, Art of Assisting, Advanced Art of Assisting

©2019 by Baptiste Power Yoga San Francisco.

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